August 30, 2024

Sinach – There’s A Fire (Mp3 & Lyrics)

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Renowned gospel music songstress “SINACH“, releases this song it's s titled “There’s A Fire“, from the album Victory Sounds, and was released in 2024. This beautiful song, accompanied by a stunning music video, audio, and lyrics, is sure to captivate listeners of all ages.

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Lyrics: There’s A Fire by Sinach

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Father Lord, Father Lord, we are here to worship

Father Lord, Father Lord, we are here to worship

More than a song we bring our hearts to You

More than a song we bring our hearts to You

In spirit and in truth we raise our worship

In spirit and in truth we raise our worship

Our praise, our praise, is coming from our hearts

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Father Lord, Father Lord, we are here to worship

Father Lord, Father Lord, we are here to worship

More than a song we bring our hearts to You

More than a song we bring our hearts to You

In spirit and in truth we raise our worship

In spirit and in truth we raise our worship

Our praise, our praise, is coming from our hearts

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

There’s a fire burning in every heart

As we lift our praises and testimonies

Of who You are

And what You’ve done in our lives

There’s a fire burning in every heart

As we lift our praises and testimonies

Of who You are

And what You’ve done in our lives

There’s a fire burning in every heart

As we lift our praises and testimonies

Of who You are

And what You’ve done in our lives

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Father Lord, Father Lord we are here to love You

Father Lord, Father Lord we are here to love You

More than a dance we live our lives for you

More than a dance we live our lives for you

Not holding back, we pour our love before You

Not holding back, we pour our love before You

Our praise our praise is coming from our heart

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

Father Lord, Father Lord we are here to love You

Father Lord, Father Lord we are here to love You

More than a dance we live our lives for you

More than a dance we live our lives for you

Not holding back, we pour our love

Not holding back, we pour our love before You

Our praise our praise is coming from our heart

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

There’s a fire burning in every heart

As we lift our praises and testimonies

Of who You are

And what You’ve done in our lives

There’s a fire burning in every heart

As we lift our praises and testimonies

Of who You are

And what You’ve done in our lives

There’s a fire burning in every heart

As we lift our praises and testimonies

Of who You are

And what You’ve done in our lives

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

We are shouting the high praise of God in every nation

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

Faith filled warriors declaring His goodness

There’s a fire burning in every heart

As we lift our praises and testimonies

Of who You are

And what You’ve done in our lives

There’s a fire burning in every heart

As we lift our praises and testimonies

Of who You are

And what You’ve done in our lives

There’s a fire burning in every heart

As we lift our praises and testimonies

Of who You are

And what You’ve done in our lives 

Sonnie Badu – Afro Worship

 Rockhill pastor, worship leader, and motivational speaker “Sonnie Badu” ministers to people via this song titled “Afro Worship“ featuring Fernon Flomo. You’d surely be blessed

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Sonnie Badu – Intimate Worship Performance (Mp3 Download)


Sonnie Badu songs

Rockhill pastor, worship leader, and motivational speaker “Sonnie Badu” ministers to people via an amazing soul-lifting tune song which he calls “Intimate Worship Performance“. You’d surely be blessed.

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MOSES AKOH X APOSTLE FEMI LAZARUS ( Spontaneous Prophetic worship) || Watch Video

August 28, 2024

Ada Ehi ft. Mercy Chinwo - Yes Sir (Download Mp3)

Ada Ehi ft Mercy Chinwo Yes Sir

 Gospel Music icons Ada Ehi and Mercy Chinwo has come together to release a wonderful melody tagged Yes Sir.

Yes Sir by Ada Ehi featuring Mercy Chinwo is a praise song that you must listen to.

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August 23, 2024

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?



Homosexuality is one of the most discussed and debated topics within Christianity today. As societal views continue to evolve, many Christians seek to understand what the Bible says about homosexuality, often searching for clarity and guidance on how to reconcile their faith with modern views. This blog post explores key biblical passages that address homosexuality.

Key Biblical Passages

The Bible references homosexuality in several passages, primarily in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Below are some of the most frequently cited scriptures:

  • Genesis 19:1-29 (The Story of Sodom and Gomorrah):
    This passage describes the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the inhabitants' actions, including attempted homosexual rape, are presented as deeply sinful. The story is often interpreted as condemning homosexual behavior, though some scholars argue that the primary sin was inhospitality and violence rather than consensual same-sex relationships.

  • Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13:
    In the Old Testament, Leviticus explicitly states, "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination" (Leviticus 18:22). Leviticus 20:13 reiterates this, prescribing severe penalties for such actions. These verses are part of the Holiness Code, a set of laws given to the Israelites to maintain their distinctiveness and purity.

  • Romans 1:26-27:
    In the New Testament, Paul writes about same-sex relations, stating, "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error." This passage is often cited to emphasize that homosexual acts are contrary to God's design.

  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-10:
    Paul lists those who will not inherit the kingdom of God, including those who engage in "men who have sex with men" (translated from the Greek word "arsenokoitai"), a term that has been interpreted in various ways. Some translations interpret this as a blanket condemnation of all homosexual behavior, while others suggest it refers to specific exploitative practices.

How to Pray in the Morning: A Guide to Starting Your Day with God


Morning prayers

Starting your day with prayer is a powerful way to set the tone for the rest of your day. Morning prayer helps you focus on God, seek His guidance, and align your thoughts and actions with His will. Here’s a simple guide on how to pray effectively in the morning.

1. Begin with Thanksgiving

Start your morning prayer by thanking God for the gift of a new day. Express gratitude for the blessings you’ve received, both big and small. This could include thanking God for your health, family, shelter, and the opportunity to face the day ahead.

Example Prayer:
"Heavenly Father, I thank You for the gift of this new day. Thank You for watching over me as I slept and for the blessings You have already provided. I am grateful for Your love and grace in my life."

2. Seek God’s Guidance and Wisdom

Ask God to guide your steps throughout the day. Pray for wisdom in your decisions, interactions, and tasks. Invite the Holy Spirit to lead you in everything you do.

Example Prayer:
"Lord, as I step into this new day, I ask for Your guidance and wisdom. Help me to make decisions that are in line with Your will and to walk in Your ways. Holy Spirit, lead me in every step I take today."

3. Pray for Protection and Strength

Mornings are a great time to seek God’s protection over your life, your loved ones, and the challenges you may face. Pray for strength to handle any difficulties with grace and faith.

Example Prayer:
"Father, I pray for Your protection over me and my loved ones today. Keep us safe from harm and danger. Give me the strength to face any challenges that come my way with faith and perseverance."

4. Commit Your Day to God

Dedicate the day’s activities, responsibilities, and encounters to God. Ask Him to be present in everything you do and to help you reflect His love and light to others.

Example Prayer:
"Lord, I commit this day into Your hands. Be with me in every task, every conversation, and every decision. Help me to glorify You in all that I do and to be a light to those around me."

5. Pray for Others

Take a moment to pray for the needs of others. This could include praying for family members, friends, colleagues, or even those you don’t know personally who are in need of God’s help.

Example Prayer:
"God, I lift up to You those who are in need today. Please be with my family and friends, and meet them in their situations. I also pray for those who are hurting or struggling. May they find comfort and peace in You."

6. Close with Faith and Trust

End your morning prayer by reaffirming your trust in God. Acknowledge His sovereignty over your life and express your faith in His plans and purposes.

Example Prayer:
"Father, I trust You with this day and all that it holds. I know that You are in control, and I place my faith in You. Thank You for hearing my prayers and for Your constant presence in my life."


Morning prayer is a simple yet powerful way to start your day on the right foot. By thanking God, seeking His guidance, and committing your day to Him, you invite His presence into every aspect of your life. Whether you use set prayers or speak from the heart, what matters most is the sincerity and faith behind your words. As you consistently start your day with prayer, you’ll find that it strengthens your relationship with God and brings peace and clarity to your daily life.